Does the infinite diversity of our world hide a finite number of entities? Is consistent picture of the world possible, or a disordered discourse only is? Can microcosm describe macrocosm, can a part describe the whole? Is nature and society governed by same laws? Could we speak of the universal order or exclusively particularities? Philosophy Club at CCA Winzavod presents its new series of lectures where humanities and natural sciences meet, where scientists, philosophers, researchers and artists would offer their views on the global contemporaneity, planetary forces and cosmological models of the Universe.
Nearly forty years post-structuralism has proclaimed the end of "grand narratives". Philosophy that used to aspire to be "the science of sciences" now surrendered its place to numerous theories and studies which doubt the very possibility of generalisations. Yet against the backdrop of today atomistic world that is undergoing political, economic and ecological crisis, the need for new holistic approaches to describing reality emerges. Philosophy witnesses the return of Marxist category of totality, of fundamental ontological problems of truth and being, and reconstructs integral connections with sciences. Such philosophic systems as micro-spherology, world-system theory, concept of contemporaneity, or mathematical ontology try to generalise our knowledge of the world in the form of universal models. Plasticity, intra-action, assemblage or trans-individuality emerge as new operational categories that overcome diversity of individual entities.
Just like philosophy, evolution of natural sciences had a tendency to narrow to specialization and dispersion into narrow research areas. Overflow of unsystematized empirical data, the rise of diversity of languages of theoretical description, incomprehensible even to neighboring sciences, repelled both philosophers and general public. As the world plunged into darkness of fundamentalism, cooperation between different disciplines seems to have never been so pressing. To overcome this fragmentation of natural sciences is possible by means of integrated cross-discipline research. Thus, latest discoveries in natural sciences seem to open possibilities for creation of post-modern synthetic evolution theory in biology, string theory in physics or Anthropocene in geology. Overcoming demarcations between the disciplines, these and other integral systems construct holistic worldviews, challenging contemporary philosophers.
New Cosmologies lecture series will bring together speakers from various intellectual and artistic backgrounds to discuss the entire spectrum of problems of contemporaneity, from futurologies to neurobiology, from religious studies to bioinformatics. The participants of roundtable discussions or lectures would discuss new "metanarratvies" and possible ways out of the crisis.
Lecture by Vyacheslav Dubynin Neurodeterminants of Aesthetics: Human Brain and Perception of Art
Lecture by Stefano Mancuso Diamond Green: Plant Consciousness
Lecture by Alexander R. Galloway Digital in Philosophy [eng + subs]
Discussion by Elizabeth Rudinesco and Victor Mazin Two Freuds, or Cosmos Does Not Exist
Lecture by George Derlugyan The Paleolithic Origins of Communism
Lecture by Peter Osborne I, You, We, It: Transindividuality as a Subject of Contemporeneity [eng + subs]
Lecture by Dorothea von Hantelmann Exhibition Form as a Сosmology of Modern Society
Lecture by Federico Campagna Cosmogonies: Technic and Magic